False Aspirations

Time after time people in society have been and are told that they should ‘achieve’ that they should ‘strive’ that they should ‘work hard’ that they should have ‘things’ in order to be accepted as a valuable member of society. If you act a certain way, if you think certain things you will be accepted.

The media constantly bombard people with images and audio that tell people what they needto do in order to be ‘perfect’ and ‘accepted’. You should have this house, you should have this car, you should like trash TV reality programmes because this is how successful people live – and success is the only thing that will make the rest of the world admire you – otherwise you are nothing.

The education system is similar (see education article). If you comply and can repeat what we tell you then you will be a success. Start questioning or thinking in a different way and you will be shunned.

It is no surprise than many people in society spend most of their time aspiring to be something they are naturally not, and many aspire to something they cannot achieve.

The programming is constant – relentless and almost impossible to escape. From cradle to grave we live in a ‘should’ world where we are constantly told what we ‘should’ do to be a productive and accepted member of society. We are told what we should do to achieve happiness. Go to school, work hard, buy ‘stuff’, pay taxes, then die and possibly go to a nice place if we have been good religious followers – our reward and salvation.

This ‘should’ and ‘aspire’ doctrine seems to have increased dramatically over the last twenty years or so. Those in power have targeted the younger generation in particular with a constant bombardment of rubbish delivered by just about every kind of media young people have access to. This has been done to such an extent that many of the younger generation see it as their right to have anything they aspire to. Unfortunately for them, they are rarely given options or opportunities outside of what those in power want them to experience. A false reality.

By constantly being engulfed in a false reality, it is difficult (if not impossible) for some to envisage any possibilities outside of the false reality. Therefore, all of their energy is spent on achieving and aspiring within an unnatural and false ‘system’ where they do not learn to significantly question information or think in any depth about important issues.

This approach to indoctrination ensures the person concentrates on their own aspirations with minimal attention being given to their place, or operating within, society as a whole. So on one hand they are expected to aspire and comply, and on the other hand they are expected to develop a selfish perspective where the only reason they have to be accepted by society is through their superiority in compliance. The only outcome of this is that people are discriminated against based on compliance and achieving the dictates of those in power.

If you want a very obvious example of this, look at those who aspire to be involved in politics. In the UK (at the current time), places for political interns are being sold! What does this do? It feeds into the perception of elitism. The same thing the false aspirations of society feeds into.

If a person attempts to aspire to something that does not seem comfortable or natural to them then it can be extremely difficult to find a different path. Perhaps one of the biggest influences that has the potential to stop someone seeking alternatives is the FEAR of being shunned by the society in which they live.

You want an example? Think of the number of young people who (in addition to the pressures of their own physical and emotional development) have the pressure of failure looming over them when taking exams at school/college. Failure to pass examinations can create such an immense feeling of failure and rejection that many young people attempt (or are successful in committing) suicide! Should young people going through a stage in life where the natural path is one of discovering themselves and the wider world be constrained and put under more intense pressure that can affect them for the rest of their lives. It seems like a rather cruel thing to do to another human being.

Another example could be to look at how society considers someone to be successful. Much of the time success is measured by assets (useless ‘things’ and money), the house someone has, the car they drive, conforming to forming a family and so on. All of these are false successes for a human. They are imposed illusions of success.

Time and time again we see how people are devastated when they fail to impress ‘judges’ on talent shows. Some contestants have such a false impression of what they are capable of and such an intense yearning to be a celebrity or ‘star’ that they are totally devastated when they fail.  Yet society has made them believe that anyone can become famous and live a life of luxury, when for many this is totally out of their abilities. Is this not cruel and inhuman? The end result can often be ridicule and (again) the perception of failure.

In modern society there are many, many other examples of false aspirations which take energy away from achieving REAL and important positive development of the person as a human being and the development of real society.

All of the energy spent on aspiring takes focus away from ‘being’ and our basic needs are ignored.

False aspiration leads to confusion. When people become confused they stop asking questions and shut-down their ability to objectively and instinctively THINK. They become insular and their focus turns to their immediate survival.

The focus of people’s aspirations has to change. People have to discover what is really important – not only to them personally, but also to ALL people of the world. These are REAL aspirations.